Thursday, April 9, 2009

The library. Who knew?

OK, I'll admit — it's been a long time since I've been to the library. About 10 years to be exact. Since moving downtown, I've been able to see the excitement build as the St. Clair branch was so elegantly reconstructed. But, something has kept me from entering those doors. Maybe I still have this stigma that the library is for late night research projects that suck my brain of any will to live? Perhaps.

All I can really say is ... what was I waiting for? The place is an absolute gem. I was inspired to go after receiving a New York Times article about a site called — . It is basically a dedicated place on the Web for art videos, and I must have spent at least an hour and a half perusing videos while I was there. Did I mention the site was created by the IMA? What a great plug for our city.

The video that sucked me in was this one, which asks the question, 'What happens when five artists come to one of the world's largest libraries in search of inspiration for their next project?' I always have a hard time finding a creative outlet, and the library is not the first place I would have considered. But, the more I thought about it, why wouldn't it be? Their collections are vast and span over a hundred years of knowledge and culture. Not to mention it's all under one roof ... one grand, aesthetically pleasing roof.

The first hour was spent refamiliarizing myself with how it all works. Wait, how do I look up a book? And where do I find it again? Where is the business section?

Then, I began to 'Ooo' and 'Ahhh.' From the coffee house to the skyline views to the vast entertainment section, it was all there. Every magazine you could think of, an entire DVD collection and a whole floor dedicated to workshops and community forums. And music. Good music.

So, what did I end up checking out? Books. Yep, it was back to basics for me as I perused row upon row of information in the form of paper-bound words. I came to research starting your own business, and boy did I hit the mother load. An entire aisle was dedicated to the likes of me — creative, female twenty-something seeks guidance to open her own online photography business. Kind of specific, I know, but there were at least two books that begged me to pull them off the shelf and devour their knowledge, one of which I will mention.

The Boss of You, by Lauren Bacon & Emira Mears
For any female (or nerdy-cool male hipster) looking to start up a business, this book has a forthcoming, honest, coming-to-Jesus sort of talk with you, and I love it. It's totally conversational and even gives you little pep talks in parts of the book when they know a reader is thinking about bailing on the chapter. I should also admit that their head shots on the back had some influence on me. Any redhead who boldly dyes their bangs Gwen Stefani pink has my admiration from the get-go.

All in all, the library visit was a huge success. I'd say my favorite part was the self-checkout. You scan the books yourself and slide the little due date slip in the familiar manilla holder in the back. I only wish it still included the old-timey date stamps of previous readers who enjoyed the confines of a book. It always made it feel special when you know you've found something treasured by so many.

I have three weeks of inspiration. Thanks, IMCPL.


Lauren Bacon said...

Hey Kris,

Thanks for the kind words about our book (and my hair). :) I'm a huge library fan, and in fact am almost more excited about seeing The Boss of You in libraries than in stores -- because I know the library copies will have greater longevity.

Your blog rocks, by the way. Wicked funny and great photography (natch). I look forward to return visits.

Cass in NYC said...

i love the library!


Dewey Decimal just shit the bed.