Thursday, June 11, 2009

Keeping Diabetes Alive Since 1965

We crave sustenance!

Once it hits your lips ...

It's time to put a little chunk in your swagger.

If you live in the great city of Indianapolis, you're probably familiar with a little thing we like to call the Strawberry Festival. Once a year, thousands of people make the lunchtime pilgrimage to Monument Circle and celebrate diabetes and strawberries. I love diabetes, so I'm in. If you need more persuasion, I'm sure this rousing video of Dick Lugar is just what the doctor order to get your ass down to the Circle and lather your body in vats of stewed strawberry chunks.

I look forward to this event every year, mostly because it's fun to watch little kids eat strawberry shortcake the same way I do – like a filthy little hog. Two years ago, I waited in line for almost an hour to get my little mound of heaven, and when I finally had the chance to take a bite, I spilled the entire thing down the front of my shirt. Because that's what I do. I spill things.

To be honest, I really don't even eat the strawberries – I use my fork to push aside the only healthy thing in the damn dessert and suck down the ice cream, whipped topping and shortcake that's been saturated in strawberry juices.

Happy hogging!

1 comment:

Cass in NYC said...

I LOVE strawberry shortcake. I'm so jealous.
And btw, you crack me up. I was having a decent day today, it has just become a wonderful day. =P